Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

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Dead or Alive 5: Last Round hứa hẹn mang đến thêm một nhân vật nữ mang tên Honoka trong trang phục đồng phục nữ sinh trung học. Cộng đồng fan hâm mộ series đối kháng nổi tiếng này không phải chờ đợi lâu để diện kiến võ sĩ mới vì Tecmo Koei và Team Ninja vừa tung ra trailer giới thiệu chính thức cùng nhiều hình ảnh screenshot dành cho Honoka – cô gái 18 tuổi với màu tóc hồng, gương mặt thiên thần và tất nhiên không thể thiếu số đo 3 vòng chuẩn không cần chỉnh. Hãng phát triển có viết vài dòng mô tả về nhân vật này như sau: “Được nuôi dạy khôn lớn bởi người bà hiền hậu của mình, Honoka ngày thường là một cô gái ngây thơ vui vẻ. Nhưng khi bước vào trận chiến, cô khó lòng kiềm chế được sự phấn khích của mình, bị thôi thúc bởi một sức mạnh kì lạ đến từ bên trong. Honoka có khả năng bắt chước mọi đòn thế mà chỉ cần nhìn qua một lần và trải qua thời gian, kết hợp nhiều thế võ lại thành phong cách chiến đấu của riêng mình mang tên gọi Honoka Fu. ”

that's no excuse. after we bought a game, its ours. and its our own decision, if create mods for it or not. they need to stop being a ass against PC players.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

If I well realized what was the video, it showned an high texture mod for Zack Island but even making use of a nude skin on Momiji. I hope that the reason for blocking it was tied to the latter.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

Almost certain now that LR is last game from KT on PC

It's not, Bladestorm Nightmare is coming to PC in May and Samurai Warriors 4 is coming after that.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

you people are silly and most of you have no idea what your even talking about, i am thoroughly amused.

What's even more silly, is being completly unclear to "what" and "whom" you're referring to while making generalized posts.

What do you find amusing?

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn


Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn
5 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:16am

It's as if they actually asked people to not mod their game yet people did it anyways.

And people wonder why a port was such a tedious effort.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

It's as if they actually asked people to not mod their game yet people did it anyways. And people wonder why a port was such a tedious effort.

it was tedious because tecmo didnt want to put the effort in

its also pathetic because they wont open the game to modders because they know modders could make this game look a million times better than what tecmo themselves have given us

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

It's as if they actually asked people to not mod their game yet people did it anyways. And people wonder why a port was such a tedious effort.

People would have been more likely to respected their request if they haden't left out features in the first place.

The modders are trying to compensate for absent features (I can't and won't defend the nude mods this way. My argument there, is that they went through great effort prostituting their female characters, gathering an audeince of people who are more interested in TnA than fighting, what did they expect these people to do with their characters?)

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn


Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn
5 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:30am

It's as if they actually asked people to not mod their game yet people did it anyways.
And people wonder why a port was such a tedious effort.

it was tedious because tecmo didnt want to put the effort in

its also pathetic because they wont open the game to modders because they know modders could make this game look a million times better than what tecmo themselves have given us

And they asked for that to NOT happen. Remember? Yet people did it anyways and thought that blatantly going against their wishes was somehow respecting them.

A foul is a foul no matter how good the intentions.

It's as if they actually asked people to not mod their game yet people did it anyways.
And people wonder why a port was such a tedious effort.

People would have been more likely to respected their request if they haden't left out features in the first place.

The modders are trying to compensate for absent features (I can't and won't defend the nude mods this way. My argument there, is that they went through great effort prostituting their female characters, gathering an audeince of people who are more interested in TnA than fighting, what did they expect these people to do with their characters?)

As above. They asked not to. If it makes the game better then it's their loss for not taking it on board but they're still in the right considering it's their property.

There's people doing it out of spite, who know they're wrong and are condemned thusly. And then there's people who assume that the burden is upon them and claim foul when they get crap for it as if they should be heralded as righteous pioneers when they're STILL going against the creator's wishes.

Lần sửa cuối bởi Ashe;5 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:31am

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

We asked for the definitive edition with all the stages and pretty lights as the ps4 version and what did we get? Why should we respect what they asked for when they clearly didnt give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about what we wanted.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn


Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn
5 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:44am

We asked for the definitive edition with all the stages and pretty lights as the ps4 version and what did we get? Why should we respect what they asked for when they clearly didnt give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about what we wanted.

Because most of those facts were released long before the game was released.

You had a LOT of headway to cancel your preorder, as most people did. You chose not to.

Buyers remorse is not a legitimate reason and, generally, in a court of law, it won't hold up. Apparently TK is sue happy with modding.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn

I dont have buyers remorse. Hell i still enjoy the game and still plan to play it as i wait for SF5. Just because i didnt cancel my preorder does it mean im okay with how they treat PC customers. We paid the same amount the other platforms paid but got screwed. I dont own a ps4 nor do i plan on it so you best damn believe if i can mod in the better looking game we should have im gonna do it. See me TK.

Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn


Dead or alive last round nude hướng dẫn
5 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:51am

I dont have buyers remorse. Hell i still enjoy the game and still plan to play it as i wait for SF5. Just because i didnt cancel my preorder does it mean im okay with how they treat PC customers. We paid the same amount the other platforms paid but got screwed. I dont own a ps4 nor do i plan on it so you best damn believe if i can mod in the better looking game we should have im gonna do it. See me TK.

So in other words

"I know what I'm doing isn't what the creator wanted and asked me not to do but I don't care because I wanted better so I'm going to do the opposite of what was asked"

So long as you know what you're doing is wrong. My goal isn't to tell you not to. For the most part I'm not confident in my ability to defend the game's current state, I wouldn't much reccomend it to a new buyer as it is, but the facts are laid out; modders really have no reason to feel hard done by here.