How do you write multiple lists in python?

Lets say I have a list of students, a list of test scores, and a list of averages. How do I write each of these lists to one file formatted so that the first student, test scores, and average will be on line one, the second student, test scores, and average will be on line two, etc.?

asked Nov 12, 2013 at 4:51


Try this:

with open("file.txt","w") as f:
    for (student,score,avg) in zip(students,scores,avgs):

If you don't want to use a for loop, you could look at csv.writer, but that's hardly more "streamlined" than what I've posted here.

answered Nov 12, 2013 at 4:54

How do you write multiple lists in python?


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Without a for loop

with open("file.txt", "w") as f:
    f.writelines(map("{},{},{}\n".format, students, scores, avgs))

answered Nov 12, 2013 at 4:57

How do you write multiple lists in python?

John La RooyJohn La Rooy

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    In real applications, we often have to work with multiple lists, and initialize them with empty lists hampers the readability of code. Hence a one-liner is required to perform this task in short so as to give a clear idea of the type and number of lists declared to be used.

    Method #1: Using loops

    We can enlist all the required list comma separated and then initialize them with a loop of empty lists. 


    list1, list2, list3, list4 = ([] for i in range(4))

    print (& quot

            The initialized lists are : & quot


    print (& quot

            List 1 : & quot

            + str(list1))

    print (& quot

            List 2 : & quot

            + str(list2))

    print (& quot

            List 3 : & quot

            + str(list3))

    print (& quot

            List 4 : & quot

            + str(list4))


    The initialized lists are : 
    List 1 : []
    List 2 : []
    List 3 : []
    List 4 : []

    Method #2: Using defaultdict() Method 

    This is a method different and also performs a slightly different utility than the above two methods discussed. This creates a dictionary with a specific name and we have the option to make any number of keys and perform the append operations straight away as they get initialized by the list. 


    import collections

    mul_list_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)





    print (& quot

            The initialized lists are : & quot


    print (& quot

            List 1 : & quot

            + str(mul_list_dict['list1']))

    print (& quot

            List 2 : & quot

            + str(mul_list_dict['list2']))

    print (& quot

            List 3 : & quot

            + str(mul_list_dict['list3']))

    print (& quot

            List 4 : & quot

            + str(mul_list_dict['list4']))


    The initialized lists are : 
    List 1 : [1]
    List 2 : [2]
    List 3 : [3]
    List 4 : [4]

    Method 4: Using * operator: 

    Itdoes not create independent lists, but variables referring to the same (empty) list! 


    list1, list2, list3, list4 = ([], ) * 4

    list1.append("hello there")

    print (& quot

            The initialized lists are all the same: & quot


    print (& quot

            List 1 : & quot

            + str(list1))

    print (& quot

            List 2 : & quot

            + str(list2))

    print (& quot

            List 3 : & quot

            + str(list3))

    print (& quot

            List 4 : & quot

            + str(list4))


    The initialized lists are all the same: 
    List 1 : ["hello there"]
    List 2 : ["hello there"]
    List 3 : ["hello there"]
    List 4 : ["hello there"]

    How do you declare multiple lists in Python?

    The initialized lists are : List 1 : [] List 2 : [] List 3 : [] List 4 : [].
    The initialized lists are : List 1 : [1] List 2 : [2] List 3 : [3] List 4 : [4].
    The initialized lists are all the same: List 1 : ["hello there"] List 2 : ["hello there"] List 3 : ["hello there"] List 4 : ["hello there"].

    How do you add multiple lists to a list in Python?

    In python, we can use the + operator to merge the contents of two lists into a new list. For example, We can use + operator to merge two lists i.e. It returned a new concatenated lists, which contains the contents of both list_1 and list_2.

    How do you add multiple lists?

    To insert multiple list items: Click the row or column header on the worksheet that contains the numbered list..
    Choose Insert multiple items. The Insert multiple items dialog displays..
    Enter the number of items to insert. ... .
    Click Insert..

    How do you print multiple lists in Python?

    Use * Operator to Print a Python List. Another way to print all of the contents of a list is to use the * or "splat" operator. The splat operator can be used to pass all of the contents of a list to a function.