What is the dark side of business relationships and what are the causes of its development?

What is the dark side of business relationships and what are the causes of its development?
Special Issue of Journal of Business Research (JBR)

Dark side of business-to-business (B2B) relationships

Guest Co-Editors: Piyush Sharma, Russel PJ Kingshott, Tak Yan Leung, and Ashish Malik

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2020 — Extended: June 30, 2020

Introduction to the the Special Issue
Research on the dark side of B2B relationship has attracted significant scholarly attention in the last two decades (Anderson & Jap, 2005; Mooi & Frambach, 2012). The scholarly interest arises from the theoretical and practical importance of this area of research. While theorists seek to understand the processes underlying the dark side phenomena, managers are interested in solutions to contain the negative effects arising from the dark side. A recent special issue of Industrial Marketing Management in 2016 highlights the importance of this area of enquiry (Abosag, Yen, & Barnes, 2016). Notwithstanding these considerable efforts by scholars in recent years, several gaps remain, which need to be addressed so that a more complete understanding of the dark side phenomena and associated processes can be obtained. The purpose of this special issue is to focus scholarly attention on specific areas that need further enquiry in order to continue to develop this important stream of research.

Literature Review
Research on the dark side of B2B relationships can be broadly classified into various themes, which are briefly reviewed in this section, as follows:
B2B relationship problems: Several studies dealing with the nature and processes associated with relationship conflicts, opportunism, uncertainty, and other similar constructs (e.g. relationship unrest) contribute to our understanding of these phenomena (e.g., Yang, Sheng, Wu, & Zhou, 2018). Nevertheless, the evolving nature of business to business relationships, and the contextual changes brought about by the advent of new technologies (e.g., block-chains, multisided platforms, digital business models) warrant further examination of these in the present context.
B2B governance problems: Building on the seminal work of Rousseau (1990) a number of scholars (e.g. Kingshott, 2006; Kingshott & Pecotich 2017) show the significance of psychological contracts (PC) within B2B relationships grounded in social exchange. Since PCs violations are known to erode trust in B2B relationships (Kingshott & Pecotich 2017) this means its presence potentially undermines trust as an alternative governance mechanism. Despite this, the impact of PC breaches and violations in B2B relationships, and in particular how they potentially undermine relationships, is poorly understood – thus warranting further examination.
B2B relationship outcomes: Following the seminal works of Moorman, Zaltman and Deshpande (1992), Grayson and Ambler (1999), and Anderson and Jap (2005), studies have sought to examine negative outcomes of B2B relationships that grow and endure over time, such as inertia, boredom and complacency (e.g., Friend & Johnson, 2017). However, this stream of research is scant, compared to the first theme, and this is another area of focus of this special issue.
International B2B relationships: These studies explore the unique challenges faced by B2B relationships in the cross-border and international business contexts, which exist due to cultural, linguistic and communication distance (Malik & Bebenroth 2018). This often assumes the form of global strategic business partnerships, such as joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions and strategic alliances. Studies of international human resource management have highlighted the presence of a power-laden discourse due to linguistic and cross-cultural issues. Human resources competent with linguistic resources often employ language as a means to a negotiated social identity (Lauring, 2008). The role of cross-cultural and language training is critical to avoid the dark-side of language in cross-border relationships (Beeler & Lecomte, 2017), including B2B relationships. Appropriate language strategies can improve team cohesion, knowledge transfer, organisational commitment, job satisfaction, well-being and resilience of social identity groupings. Additionally, it can minimize power and politics and prevent issues such as employee turnover, absenteeism, and presentism. B2B cross-border relationships between supplier-provider and subsidiary-parent dyads has highlighted the importance of certain people management and strategic capabilities in dealing with the excesses of power and ethnocentricity evident in such contexts (Malik et al., 2018).
Informal B2B relationships: Informal social and professional networks and cultural practices constitute an important basis of B2B relationships in several countries. An excellent example, which has attracted considerable scholarly attention is guanxi in China (e.g., Gu, Hung, & Tse, 2008, Lee, Shin, Haney, Kang, Li, & Ko, 2017, Yen & Abosag, 2016). The dark side of guanxi, however, warrants further scrutiny. In particular, the specific mechanisms underpinning the dark side effects of guanxi (e.g., cronyism, corruption) need better explication. Similar informal networks are prevalent in other countries, which have received much less attention, such as Blat or Svyazi in Russia, Wasta in the Arab world, and Yongo in South Korea (Lee, Tang, Yip, & Sharma, 2018). Understanding the dark side effects of each of these and similar other specific informal networks will be theoretically interesting and managerially relevant.
Non-traditional B2B relationships: In recent times, the imperatives of sustainability and inclusivity has led to a focus on social innovation alliances. These alliances are typically between social enterprises and for-profit or not-for-profit partners (Drumwright, 2014). While the outcomes are generally positive (e.g., better performance), the negative effects of such alliances merit further scrutiny. This is another area that we are interested in exploring with this proposed special issue.

Research Gaps
Despite a growing body of knowledge on the nature and outcomes of the dark side of B2B relationships, a relative lack of its theoretical explanations has attracted criticism from several scholars. Fang, Chang and Peng (2011) note that the explanations of partnership termination are generally weak or incomplete; the focus is on the manifestations and not the underlying processes. Similarly, Chung et al. (2016) observe that the theoretical conceptualization of the dark side of B2B relationships is still under development. New theoretical perspectives such as relationship tensions (Fang et al., 2011) and the behavioral theory of the firm (Baker, 2009) have been employed to inform this stream of research. We welcome papers that add to the theoretical rigor of this stream by using a diverse range of theoretical perspectives.

We are also interested in papers that propose new constructs or introduce new lines of enquiry relevant to this area. For example, recent research has espoused the construct of betrayal in international buyer-seller relationships (Leonidou et al., 2017). Borrowed from social psychology, the construct offers new insights to understand buyer- seller relationships. Customer gratitude can mitigate the effects of the dark side (Palmatier et al., 2009). Further research on these and similar new constructs are welcome.

Other areas of focus include, but are not limited to, the dark side of social capital in B2B relationships (Pillai et al., 2017), the influence of political forces such as trade tensions on relationship decline, the decline in relational orientation brought about by technological and business model innovations (Pillai & Sharma, 2003), and relationship dissolution (Halinen & Tahtinen, 2002). Finally, the impact of political connections (government-business nexus) on B2B relationships and firm performance in various countries around the world, including Brazil (Claessens, Feijen, & Laeven, 2008), China (Kotabe, Jiang, & Murray, 2017; Cheng, Chan, & Leung, 2018), Indonesia (Leuz & Oberholzer-Gee, 2006), Malaysia (Johnson & Mitton, 2003), Poland (Jackowicz, Kozlowski, & Mielcarz, 2014), and Tunisia (Rijkers, Baghdadi, & Raballand, 2017), has also attracted attention from researchers.

Based on the above, we expect the submissions to this special issue to address some of the following research gaps and questions, which are indicative and not exhaustive:
1. What are the different manifestations of the dark side in B2B relationships? How does the current technological and business environment affect the emergence and continuance of dark side phenomena?
2. What factors lead to the dark side effects? What are the consequences of the dark side effects? What are the boundary conditions for the antecedent and consequent effects?
3. How do the dark side effects emerge in informal business networks?
4. When and how do the dark side effects emerge in B2B social innovation alliances?
5. How can new theories and new constructs enrich our understanding of the dark side of B2B relationships? What role does PCs play in B2B relationships?
6. What are the specific aspects associated with relationship decline/ termination/ dissolution in the present context? Do PCs result in these relational outcomes?
7. Are there any cultural differences in the dark side of B2B relationships via traditional socio-cultural practices such as Guanxi in China, Blat or Svyazi in Russia, Wasta in the Arab world, and Yongo in South Korea etc.?
8. What are the political and judicial implications of the dark side of B2B relationships from the legal and public policy perspectives?
9. What are the dark side effects of political connections (government-business nexus) on B2B relationships and corporate performance?
10. Are there any differences in the impact of political connections on the B2B relationships of firms with different ownership types (e.g., private vs. state-owned) and different types of B2B relationships?
11. How does language differences affect people and people management processes and outcomes in cross-border B2B relationships and strategic partnerships?

We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers; however simple literature reviews that do not synthesize the current research or present a conceptual framework will not be considered for publication. We would also not accept replications of existing theories or models and simple case studies about a particular company or industry. We are agnostic regarding the method employed. Papers employing either qualitative or quantitative methods are welcome. Longitudinal studies that tease out the associated processes are particularly encouraged.

All the authors will need to submit manuscripts for this special issue on the submission system for the Journal of Business Research. Please indicate that it is a submission for the special issue (e.g., Article Type: “SI: Dark side B2B relationships”). All submissions will go through the regular JBR review process with at least two rounds of double-blind peer reviews of each manuscript. Each submitted manuscript would be randomly assigned to one of the four guest co-editors to ensure complete fairness and transparency in the review process. Each guest co-editor would handle the complete review process for the manuscripts assigned to them but the final recommendations would be made in consultation with all the guest co-editors and the chief editors would make the final decisions.

Key deadlines
Submissions Open: March 1, 2020
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2020
Final Acceptance Deadline: May 31, 2021

Guest co-editors
Piyush Sharma, Curtin University, Australia
Russel PJ Kingshott, Curtin University, Australia
Tak Yan Leung, The Open University of Hong Kong
Ashish Malik, University of Newcastle, Australia

More info here.

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What is dark side of business relationships?

Dark-side relationships are characterized by negative attitudes to conflict, high tension, severe conflict, and the deterioration of trust, commitment and cooperation. Severe conflict is a clear manifestation of dark-side relationships that are irritating, often costly, and cause increasing worries of opportunism.

What is the dark side of relationships?

The dark side of interpersonal communication generally refers to communication that results in negative outcomes. Some types of communication that are considered to be on the “dark side” are: verbal aggression, deception, psychological abuse, bullying, and infidelity, to name a few.

How does relationship affect business?

Why do relationships matter? It's because creating a relationship with both new and potential customers allows businesses to offer a more personalized and enticing customer experience. In a recent study, 86% of customers claim their experiences are just as important as the actual product or service they purchase.

How do you develop relationships in business development?

11 Ways to Build Solid, Strong, Lasting Business Relationships.
Be Authentic..
Identify Shared Goals and Values..
Develop Mutual Respect..
Share Some Vulnerability..
“I've Got Your Back”.
Make Meaningful Connections for People to Network with Each Other..
Get More Personal..
Plan Something Fun to Do Together..