What is the permutation of a 12 man basketball team that their coach will choose as his starting 5 for the game?

There are 12 people on a basketball team, and the coach needs to choose 5 to put into a game. a. How many different possible ways can the coach choose a team of 5 players? 12C2 = 792 ways the coach can choose a team of 5.

How many ways can the coach choose five starters from a team of 12 players * 1 point A 7 B 17 C 60 D 792?

Hence, there are 792 ways in which the starters can be chosen. Therefore, B) 792 is the correct option.

How many ways can a coach select 5 players from a team of 8?

Detailed Solution r ! ( n − r ) ! We have to select 5 players from (8 - 1) = 7 players. ∴ The required number of ways is 21.

How many ways are there to choose 5 basketball players from the 9 people on team?

9-5!) = 126. Your final answer is 126 ways. In how many ways can 5 basketball players be chosen from a group of 9 players?

How many ways can a basketball team of 5?

We have to find the possible number of ways the players can be listed in order in a program. Possible number of ways = n! So, the number of ways = 5! Therefore, the number of ways is 120 ways.