How to use alt+tab in remote desktop in windows 10

How to Fix the Alt Tab in Remote Desktop (RDP) Sessions

When using a Remote Desktop Connection on a Windows virtual machine to connect to a remote Windows computer, you may encounter problems using the Alt+Tab key combination to switch windows on the remote computer. This issue may be due to incorrect settings on the Remote Desktop Connection on the Windows virtual machine.

Alt-tab in mac microsoft remote desktop

Using Microsoft remote desktop on Mac OSX Big Sur.
When I am using my remote desktop app (both full-screen and not), alt-tab (or option-tab on my mac keyboard) does not work. I've used the on-screen keyboard. Holding down my alt/option button (on my mac keyboard) and pressing tab button on the on-screen keyboard works. But using alt/option + tab on my mac keyboard does not seem to register (the tab does not light up). Yet using tab alone on my mac keyboard in remote desktop works fine. I've changed the "apply windows key combination" option to all options incl "On the remote computer" but it still does not work. Anyone have any suggestions?



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LeilaKong-MSFT answered Jun 4, '21

Hello @MatthewKang-1409 ,

Please check the following post if it can solve your problem:
Is there a way to disable command-tab in Microsoft Remote Desktop connection for Mac OS X?:

Best regards,

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LeilaKong-MSFT answered Jun 18, '21

Hello @MatthewKang-1409 ,

Just checking in to see if the information provided was helpful.
Please post back at your convenience if we can assist further.


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In general, switching between applications/windows within a CitrixDesktop Session will work without a need to alter any settings on an endpoint with the newer releases of Citrix Workspace App.

Please review the below sections for additional information:

Alt-Tab away from an RDP session - anyone know a way to do it?

How to use alt+tab in remote desktop in windows 10

6 posts

I'm sure most of you know that if you alt-tab to an RDP session, you can't alt-tab out. Instead, you get to alt-tab through apps on the remote PC.

Anyone know of a way to have the best of both worlds?

Say, a program or script that would allow ctrl-alt-tab to get out, or something like that?


I'm sure most of you know that if you alt-tab to an RDP session, you can't alt-tab out. Instead, you get to alt-tab through apps on the remote PC.

I think it will only do that if you run the RDP session full screen by default, but it's an option for each RDP sesion. Click Options on the RDP Connection window, Local Resources tab, and set the option as you would like it to behave...

I just don't run RDP full screen, I run it one "resolution" less than my desktop, and I switch local apps really easy...

Thanks for the suggestion -- View image here: --, but...

I like running RDP fullscreen on one monitor of a multimonitor setup, and...

The same question applies to another remote control software we use several times per day, which doesn't have the option to disable client-end alt-tab, and ...

I don't really want to disable it - it's useful to be able to alt-tab on the remote end. I just don't like having to reach for the mouse just for one click...

The easiest way that I know is to do a ctrl-atl-del to bring up the secure desktop on your local machine and then hit t for task manager.

Then you alt-tab on your local machine.

Of course Vista messes this up because the one letter shortcuts for buttons on the secure desktop (t for taskmgr, l for logoff, etc) don't work have to use the arrow keys.

crtl+alt+end brings up ctrl+alt+del on the remote machine, BTW.

I figured that out, it's cool.

Here's what I do:

When I'm in a full-screen RDP session, I hit Ctrl+Alt+Break (this is the toggle between full-screen and windowed mode), with my left thumb on the left Alt key; then I release Ctrl+Break, keep my left thumb on Alt, swing my hand up, and hit tab with my middle finger. When I'm ready to go back to the RDP session, I alt-tab to the process and hit Ctrl+Alt+Break again.

6 posts

How to use alt+tab in remote desktop in windows 10

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